About Healing Breaths
Healing Breaths is a division of the Art of Living Foundation, a United Nations Non Governmental Organization operating in over 150 countries. 
Healing Breaths is dedicated to serving healthcare professionals by providing research-backed tools and techniques to reduce stress, enhance energy, improve resilience, and avoid burnout.



Eliminate Your Stress

Free SKY Breath Introductory Session

SKY Program
Cope with Stress
Our resilience programs help healthcare professionals cope with stress, resulting in a greater sense of calm and focus.
Increase Energy
Our research-backed techniques can help individuals manage burnout and regain a feeling of increased energy and balance in their lives.
Interactive Course
Our interactive well-being course allows participants to access that inner quiet space within each of us amid all the external chaos.

Contact us at: info@healingbreaths.org
Copyright 2021 © Healing Breaths

Healing Breath's mission is to nourish and energize healthcare professionals with self-care programs that strengthen resilience, and restore a sense of purpose and community.


What Healthcare Professionals Are Saying


Independent studies

on SKY Breath Meditation (SKY)

Our SKY Breath Meditation Program provides evidenced-based practices, proven to reduce stress and improve well-being

Evidence-based practices that can significantly reduce stress from the very 1st session!  


The Healing Breath’s SKY Program teaches propriety evidence-based breathing techniques found to calm a hyper-stimulated nervous system and increase calm and wellbeing.

The SKY Breathing techniques have shown reduction in stress levels and handling stressful situations with ease, improvement in energy and sleep levels, ability to connect more deeply and easily with others and foster a natural connection with your positive core - energy, happiness, and clarity. 

About The SKY Program 

Access that quiet space within you through the power of breath and meditation.  Healing Breaths provides CME accredited programs that have helped thousands of healthcare professionals address the effects of burnout and build inner resilience.


Benefits of Healing Breaths SKY Program

Helps healthcare professionals thrive in mental health and cope with stress, resulting in a greater sense of calm and happiness.

Learn how to stem burnout in 20 minutes a day while you earn CE credits.

Access to peer community online sessions to help support your continual self-care journey

In the News... 

  • Learn evidence-based breathing practices that relax your mind.
  • Learn methods for boosting your energy levels and improving your sleep.
  • Discover techniques to cultivate alertness and focus.

For Healthcare Professionals

Rapid Decline In Burnout In Just 3 Days